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So, you’ve taken the plunge.

You’ve purchased Dragon speech recognition by Nuance Communications and you are ready to unleash your VoicePower!

Only there is one minor issue… How do you install it?!

Don’t worry our technical team has got you covered. Whether you’ve got a disk or a download link, we’ve got the answers.

A simple step-by-step guide on how to install Dragon.

Please note that we’re using Dragon Professional Individual as an example in this case. The installation process can vary depending on the version.

If you find yourself still stuck after this blog, give us a call.

How To Install Dragon via Download Link

You will have been sent a download link by your supplier.

To begin downloading, all you need to do is click the link. The software will begin to download.

Once the download has finished, in the left-hand corner of your computer, click it to run it. Now head to step 2.

How To Install Dragon By Disk

On the disk packaging, there will be a serial number.

Make note of the serial number and put it somewhere safe. This is what you will use to log in.

Step 1

Insert the disk into your computer and wait for the window to pop up.

If nothing happens, go to the File Explorer, click ‘This PC’ and then click on the Dragon disk – this will run it.

Step 2

Next, you will see the user licence agreement pop up. Have a read through and click accept.

Step 3

Thirdly, grab that serial number that we asked you to make note of earlier.

You will be prompted to enter this along with a username given to you by your supplier.

Click next.

Step 4

Selecting the correct setting.

You will have a choice between Typical/Complete or Custom. Unless you’re an advanced Dragon user, select Typical.

Step 5

The software will now prompt you to choose a location to save the file, as shown in the picture below.

Please select your desired location via the browse button, once done click install.

How to install dragon

Step 6

Dragon is now ready to install and will begin doing so.

How to install Dragon

Step 7

When you see the blow window, select next.

Step 8

That’s it! When you see the below window, Dragon has finished downloading.

Click ‘Finish’ and you’re ready to go!

It’s as easy as that! You now know how to install Dragon and you’re ready to set up your User Profile.

Check out the video below to find out how to select the correct language.

If you’d like any further assistance with any aspect of installing or setting up your Dragon profile, our technical support team is happy to help.

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