Olympus Training: Smartphone App
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Our Olympus Training Courses
Lawyers, doctors and other professionals can say goodbye to analogue tapes and dictate their notes with ease with ODMS – A digital dictation solution that streamlines the transcription process and facilitates a more productive, time and cost-effective business.
Above all, ODMS helps companies distribute audio files for typing or even to combine them with speech recognition.
Our Olympus Training Courses are designed to get you up and running and reaping the benefits of Olympus digital dictation as soon as possible!
The VoicePower team will configure your ODMS software for you.
Therefore, the distribution of dictations to the correct destination will be done automatically and per your workflow requirements.
£45 +VAT per user
Olympus Training E-Learning Course – Smartphone App
The ODDS smartphone app is an option to accompany the Olympus Dictation software. This self-led Olympus e-learning course will assist you in pairing the app with the software and ensure you utilise on-the-go dictation.
Our ODDS Course will cover:
- Smartphone dictation etiquette
- Installation and set up
- Connecting to the Olympus Dictation Portal
- Operation/How to use the app
- Sending a job
It Includes:
1 x 1 hour 1-2-1 remote
session up to 5 users
12 months technical support
12 months of access to the Olympus Dictation course on our
e-learning portal